Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Search Engines Promotion Home Business Biz ops article. 5th in a series. Content articles.

Here is an email from which is part of the TVCo-op business. I like their idea
and was thinking about upgrading but at this point I am just a free affiliate. I have promoted them a little bit since joining.

Anyways, here is the email which is concerning article #5 in a series they send out after someone joins as a free affiliate. I think I will go backwards and post this article, then # 4,
3,2, and 1.

This is content for websites. That is their product and service.

(actually I may not post all 5 articles because that would be giving away content. This one is
enough I think. I like this company and what they are doing.)


Hi Tim,

Whether your business involves running a BLOG...

or promoting affiliate programs...
or creating andmarketing your own information products...
or runninga membership web-site...
or promoting M.L.M opps...
orbuilding a network of "niche" web-sites...
or runningan offline publishing business...

You need quality content to survive - and thrive!...

You need articles to send to subscribers.
You needtraining courses to send to your downline.
You needentries for your blog.
You need keyword rich articlesto attract the search engines.
You need content tocreate information products....

You can do it ALL (and much more) with IGR'sprivate label article content! ...And you'll no longer have to invest thousands of dollars on freelance or ghostwriters - nor will you have to spend countless hours writing your OWN content!Remember, success in business is all about making the RIGHT decisions. As you consider whether IGRis the right move for you and your business, only one question is necessary:

"Will IGR save me time,and increase my bottom line?"

If you answered "Yes" the choice is clear.

Click here to join IGRY today:

(If for any reason you're not satisfied, we offer a full money back guarantee, so you have absolutely nothing to risk.)

As promised, here's your 5th and final IGR article sample:-----------------------------------------------BEGIN- IGR ARTICLE SAMPLE # 5----------------------------------------------

"Fun Fitness Tips!"

Getting and staying in shape doesn't have to be dulland boring!

Try some of these fun fitness activities tomake your workout time more enjoyable.

MUSICAL EXERCISE - Put on your favorite music and dosome yoga! No need for slow, elevator music. Move toyour favorite beat. Or pop on the headphones orearphones and grab your MP3 or cassette player orhandheld PC and bike to a nearby park. Too cold orrainy? Then head to a mall or other enclosed area whereyou can walk. Caution: make sure you are alert whilelistening to music with headphones or earphones.

FUN IN THE SUN - Check out the latest tanning solutionsand try fun, scented versions with funky, multi-coloredsunglasses. Grab your cassette player or MP3 player andfavorite tunes. And pack some flavored water, newflavored health bar that you've been dying to try andsome frozen berries in your carryall for breaks andhave a "sense"-ational time.

FITNESS CLASSES - Try out a new fitness class for fun.Enjoy a full water aerobics workout with less stress onyour joints. Grab some colorful water gear and swim tothe beat. Or try a dance or Jazzercise routine. No needto commit long-term, just ask about popping in for aclass or two to check it out and enjoy. Meet newfriends and get fit all at once.

VCR / DVD - Head to the library or local rental storeand grab a fun fitness video or DVD. Crank up the soundwhen your favorite tunes come on and join the tapedworkout participants in the privacy of your own home.

GYM / FITNESS CENTER - Dig out those coupons you'vebeen receiving in envelop mailers and those moneysaving coupon magazines. Again, no need to commitlong-term. Just head on over and use the free orlow-cost trial / invitational period and enjoy!

JOURNALING - Spice up your logging routine with aninexpensive new journal from a discount or dollar storenearby. Crate snazzy charts with colored markers. Addbright colored stickers for each workout. Paste or tapeclipped pictures of your goals throughout the coversand inside sections. For example, paste pictures of that vacation spot you want to travel to with your new,healthy YOU wearing a new swimsuit. So add some fun in with your fitness activities. Wakeup your senses with new taste, smells, sights, touches and sounds. Forget that "All work and no play makesJack a dull boy" stuff. Workouts plus play make Jack afun, fit boy!

(-Your Name Here!)-----------------------------------------------END- IGR ARTICLE

SAMPLE # 5----------------------------------------------

...That concludes the IGR article samples,

but stay tuned as there is much more to come!

Future issues of The Newsletter will feature exclusive tips and information on how to build your business and income with article content, including how to:

-Generate Unlimited Free Web

-Site Traffic-Boost Your Customer and Subscriber Bases

-Create Information Products for Sale or Distribution

-Establish Name Recognition and Credibility

-Produce Affiliate and Google Adsense(TM) Income

-And much more!

Have a profitable day Tim and I'll see you inside the IGR members area!

Bryan Winters CEO